



A school has to be run under a non-profit Trust (minimum 2 members) or Society (minimum 7 members).

Not necessarily, as our training and support programmes will provide you the help that you require to run the school efficiently.

Of course it is possible to convert an operating school into SHEMFORD Futuristic School. For that you need to fill the Questionnaire to initiate the process.


We are sorry to inform you that there is no funding facility from our side but we have tie-ups with financial institutions. However, the financing will be at the sole discretion of the funding institution and the rate of interest applicable would also be determined by the institution only.

The initial investment amount is mainly decided only after taking following factors into consideration:

the potential of the area;
the number of students the school is targeting; &
the fee structure that can be expected.
Furthermore, the calculation to arrive at an investment amount is made. Additionally, a certain amount has to be invested in advertising and for working capital for the first couple of years.

Each potential location is different and has different characteristics. Many factors like plot area & dimensions, location, economic status of the area, density of population, etc. affect the cost to open a school. The exact amount of investment will be decided after a market survey of the paying potential of the local area and also the comparative study of what other schools in the nearby vicinity are offering and charging.

This is not viable because if you don’t invest properly, it wouldn’t impress people to consider your school seriously. Hence, it is important that you invest the required amount when you launch the branch. However, you can construct the school in phases, but whatever is constructed should be up to SHEMFORD Standards.

Absolutely not, we have transparent policies and there is no hidden cost.

The Franchise fee consists of 2 parts – an initial license fee and an ongoing royalty (which is a percentage of your revenue). It is non-refundable.

The license fee is to be paid at the time of signing of agreement.

Royalty is to be paid on revenue and is to be paid to SHEMFORD through an escrow account and settled monthly.

The branch can be situated at any good location where students can have easy access. For approval of location, there are various criteria that need to be fulfilled, such as the land size, accessibility, visibility, neighbourhood, lease rental to be paid (if leased), competition, etc.

Yes, once the agreement is signed, a site selection professional will work with you as well as with local brokers or developers to evaluate sites in your market and help identify the proper location for your new school.

Any type of land will do as long as it is allowed by the local civic authorities or the conversion is permitted.

Not necessarily, you may lease it. The lease has to be irrevocable and for minimum 30 years.

The construction of the school will be as per the specifications of our architect.

The school will definitely require recognition from the state government and the affiliation from CBSE. You shall certainly be provided guidance through the process.

It depends upon the quality and condition of the existing infrastructure. Accordingly, it may take from 2 months – 12 months.

During this period, you will procure the furniture & other educational equipment and attend your training programme. At the same time, pre-marketing will be conducted in your area using various forms of advertising media and you shall be making preparations for the implementation of the Marketing Plan designed by our marketing staff for your school. We will accomplish this process by the means of checklists and active support, in order to get your school started as soon as possible.


The quality of staff has the direct impact on the quality of education offered in the school. Hence, it is crucial that we personally supervise the recruitment process in order to appoint the best possible talent. The teachers and other staff can be selected at local level and we shall assist you at the time of recruitment and training of staff. While deciding on the number of staff members the response to the admissions must be kept in mind. Their salary will be governed by market, but in no case will it be less than government/CBSE scales.

Apart from the manuals, we conduct training programmes for all our branches. The experts from the Head Office are ever ready to provide support and guidance with respect to teaching methodologies, running a school, etc. These training sessions allow us to communicate with all our branches about various school issues and operational improvements.

The cost of the initial training is included in the License Fee but the subsequent trainings may be chargeable.


Yes, SHEMFORD provides the books, uniform, study material like worksheets, etc. and you don’t have to procure the things locally. We will have our own suppliers from whom you can buy the prescribed books and uniforms. For other school requirements, we have a recommended list of suppliers. However, you are free to have local suppliers if they work out to be cheaper, provided the quality is up to the mark and for that our approval is essential.

For the day-to-day communication, the school principal is always there but as a franchisee owner you are supposed to remain active for the recruitments, managing staff, monitoring financial matters and administration affairs.

If the space and other facilities at your location allow you to conduct these value added services, you can to employ or contract with people who are licensed to provide these services. We reserve the right to approve any proposed additional services and require all applicable licenses, when we grant approval.


Our fee structure consists of the Registration Fee, Admission Fee, Annual Charges and Monthly Fee. We do not have a fixed fee structure as the cost structure (population, paying capacity, salaries, real estate cost, local market conditions, running expenses, amount of investment done) vary from city to city and at times within cities also. So, we fix the fee in consultation with the franchisee keeping in mind all the aforementioned factors. The right fee can be attained with a combination of our experience and your local knowledge.

The amount can be found out by calculating teachers’ salary, salaries of other staff members such as Principal, Administration, Accounts, Security Guards, Drivers, Attendants etc., Electricity Bills, Telephone Bills, Property Tax, Maintenance of Building, Marketing & Advertisement Expense.

We do not believe in providing any projections or authorize anyone else to provide this information because this number can fluctuate. Your school strength will depend on a number of factors such as geography, competition, investment, site location, size of the school, your local market, your advertising & promotional efforts, your working acumen and how well you run your school according to the specified ShemEduMAX™ Standard Operating Procedures and so many other factors. Due to these variables, there is a range in the number of students you might expect.


The agreement will be signed by the Chairman of your Society/Trust along with a copy of a resolution by Trust /Society confirming the approval of the same. We will send 2 copies of the agreement and you will return both of them, with 2 copies of: (a) address proof of the Trust/Society (b) proof of the authenticity by the signature of the person signing the agreement (c) the initial license fees.

In case you do not wish to continue beyond the agreement period, you will no longer be allowed to use our brand name, curriculum, our school system & support, proprietary software and other material related to day-to-day operations.

We have the freedom to grow intelligently and respectfully and make decisions based on information provided by each case. Due to all this, we believe the fairest way to approve a new branch is to assess each location as it is proposed to us, based on a variety of factors and approve locations that we believe will allow for maximum opportunity for success. It is our goal in selling territories that are large enough for you to realize your full growth potential, but not so large that potential students are not served. However we do give you an exclusive radius of 20 kms within which we shall not open another SHEMFORD branch.

The term is 15 years, beyond which a renewal is required.

Yes, we deal in both unit as well as master franchise.

Yes, you can start more than one franchise but we would advise you to start the second about 6 months after the first one is established as your r full efforts are needed to kick start the first one.

Sure, however you will have to sign a separate agreement for each SHEMROCK location and branch.