

ICSE or Indian Certificate for Secondary Education is a coursework for students, provided by a well known school education board in India -the CISCE (Council for The Indian School Certificate Examination). It is the equivalent of the grade X, secondary school education. Any child who qualifies the ICSE examination is eligible for admission in the higher secondary or senior secondary school. ICSE itself is a division of CISCE, which provides education for secondary school and senior secondary school.

CISCE Board – History
CISCE was established in 1958. The council was set up by Inter State Board for Anglo-Indian Education in assistance with the popular examination board of U.K., the Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate. The council was registered under Societies Registration Act. Its objective was to promote arts, science and literature through English medium.

ICSE Certification
Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate is responsible for conducting school examination and providing the necessary qualification. Similarly, ICSE is a secondary school qualification program, and is recognised all over the world. The affiliation of the schools with CISCE council and the recognition of the council makes possible for students in India to receive the said qualification.

Who Is Eligible For ICSE Examination?
ICSE board examination is for students who have completed the nine grades preceding the ICSE. Students who study in ICSE schools, only they can appear in the examination. ICSE board examination does not permit private candidates to appear in the examinations. Besides that the CISCE board has fixed certain criteria, like attendance, for the students appearing in the examinations.

Withdrawal and Disqualification
Any student who wants to withdraw from ICSE examination has to get the approval of the Head of the School, in which he or she is studying. There is a special form provided and the same is forwarded to ICSE board. Withdrawal from examination is entertained In case of illness, in which case the student has to provide the certificate of illness attested by a medical practitioner, or at the request of the parents or guardians of the student.

Students are briefed, prior to their taking the examinations about disqualification terms. Students are disqualified in case they violate the rules made obligatory by ICSE board or in general by indulging in any unfair or non-disciplinary practice or activity.

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