The Bye-Laws of CBSE lay down the rules for securing affiliation with the board. The given document, whose original is released by the board, serves as the guide to the constitution of the board as well as affiliation process and rules governing the affiliations.
This excerpt gives an insight of what is provided in the CBSE schools, as there are certain standards that have to be adopted by the school that wishes to get affiliated with the board. Any trust, group of individuals or any society interested in starting a CBSE school or applying for the affiliation will find this text very useful.
The Document, Affiliation Bye-Laws contains Ten Chapters, from Chapter I to Chapter X. Each chapter is divided into rules (55 Rules in total) and the rules are further divided as clauses and sub clauses. Amendments take place from time to time.
Chapters and Rules:
Chapter I – Contains 2 rules – Rule 1 Short Titles and Definitions; and Rule 2 Definitions
Chapter II – Contains 12 Rules – Rule 3 Norms of Affiliation; Rule 4 Last Date for Submission of Applications; Rule 5 Society/Trust running the School; Rule 6 School Management Committee; Rule 7 Financial Resources; Rule 8 Physical Facilities; Rule 9 Library, Rule 10 Staff and Service Conditions; Rule 11 Fees; Rule 12 Admission of Students; Rule 13 Miscellaneous; Rule 14 Reserve Fund
Chapter III – Contains 1 Rule – Rule 15 Submission of Applications for Affiliation and Follow – up Action;
Chapter IV – Contains 1 rule – Rule 16 Autonomous Schools
Chapter V – Contains 2 Rules – Rule 17 Withdrawal of Affiliation Provisionally Affiliated Schools; Rule 18 Withdrawal of Permanent/Regular Affiliation
Chapter VI – Contains Rules 5 Rules – 19 Role/Aims of Society/Trust; Rule 20 School Managing Committee, Its Constitution, Power and Functions; Rule 21 Powers and Functions of the School Management Committee; Rule 22 Manager/Correspondent of the school-Duties, Powers and Responsibilities; Rule 23 Head of the School- Duties, Powers and Responsibilities
Chapter VII –(Service Rules For Employees) Contains 26 Rules – Rule 24 Short Title; Rule 25 Appointments; Rule 26 Medical Certificate and Character Certificate etc; Rule 27 Probation; Rule 28 Confirmation; Rule 29 Termination of Service due to Abolition of Posts etc; Rule 30 Retirement; Rule 31 Working Days and Working Hours; Rule 32 Number of Teaching periods; Rule 33 Maintenance of Record by the Teachers; Rule 34 Attendance of Employees; Rule 35 Contributory Provident Fund – Pension Scheme; Rule 36 Representations; Rule 37 Permission to add Qualifications; Rule 38 Application for Another Post; Rule 39 Private and Other Tuitions; Rule 40 Leave; Rule 41 Grant of Leave; Rule 42 Code of Conduct for employees; Rule 43 Service Books and Confidential Rolls; Rule 44 Disciplinary Procedure; Rule 45 Penalties; Rule 46 Procedure of Imposing Minor Penalty; Rule 47 Procedure for Imposing Major Penalty; Rule 48 Payment of Pay and allowances on Reinstatement; Rule 49 Disciplinary Committee
Chapter VIII – (INTERPRETATION REPEAL AND SAVING) – Contains 3 rules – Rule 50 Interpretation; Rule 51 Repeal and Saving; Rule 52 Jurisdiction to file suits
Chapter IX (Minimum Qualification for Heads and Teachers) – Contains 2 Rules – Rule 53 Minimum Qualifications for Heads and Teachers; Rule 54 The Administrative Authorities running the school may keep Higher Qualifications than the minimum if they so desire
Chapter X (Exemption from Minimum Qualifications) – Contains 1 Rule – Rule 55 Exemption from Minimum Qualifications
In addition the CBSE Bye-laws also provides for Appendices, which are:
Appendix 1 – Guidelines to Schools and Inspection Committees for Inspection for Provisional Affiliation etc.
Appendix 2 – Affiliation Fees Payable
Appendix 3 – Contract of Service
Appendix 4 – Minority Institutions
Appendix 5 – Guidelines for grant of Autonomy