
Tips to prepare for Exams

Examination phobia haunts many children and they struggle to grasp things as examination date comes near. Children who are weak in studies often find it very difficult to quickly revise the complete syllabus of all the subjects in a short period of time. Is there any way to make things easier for them? Let us see how by implementing some very useful techniques, students can score better in their examinations.

Examination preprations
Image Credit: Ikhlasul Amal


Make a daily routine of your activities and follow it strictly. Make sure you arrange 1 hour early in the morning for studies. Reserve noon time for playing and other leisure activities. Never make late night studying schedules.

Daily Revision

Whatever you have learned in the class today, make sure you revise it that same day in evening. Go through the chapters and read fast. Grab important points and make clear notes of the same. If you follow this system, half of your burden is already gone and preparation in exam days will be very easy.

Use Unconventional Methods

Using internet for study material, visiting local public library and having group discussion with neighbourhood friends will help you learn things quickly.

Take Mock Tests

Prepare mock tests by yourself, which you can easily get from different sources (Sample papers, downloads from Internet). Giving mock tests builds confidence and strengthen problem solving skills.

Do Not Overdo

Sometimes students set unrealistic targets in enthusiasm. Every student knows his capacity and limitations & targets should be set accordingly. Set small goals and proceed to your final goal gradually.


Good Luck…..!!!!!

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