
Process of ICSE School Accreditation in India

Quality Council of India (QCI) and National Accreditation Board of Education & Training (NABET) are the agencies that provide accreditation to schools in India. School accreditation enhances & improves the quality of management and stimulates the growth and development throughout the school. However, it is not mandatory to get a school accredited.

The approval of the accreditation depends upon the score that the agency allots to the school on the basis of the following parameters:


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    • Education Quality Management
    • Resource Management
    • Governance and Management

The basic procedure for ICSE school accreditation involves the following steps:

    • The school seeking accreditation needs to submit the application for the same to the agency along with the application fees.
    • This is followed by an inspection and assessment carried out by a team of experts from the agency. So, the school must be prepared for the same.
    • Further, the school needs to submit a letter of compliance, agreeing to act upon the suggestions given (if any) by the team after inspection and assessment.
    • These actions are further reviewed by the accreditation committee and if the report is OK, the school is awarded accreditation by the respective agency.
    • Once the school is accredited, it needs to adhere to the accreditation standard and indulge in continual improvement.
    • The school is supposed to submit application for continuance of accreditation at the end of four years.

NOTE: The accreditation is valid for four years, after which it needs to be renewed again by paying annual accreditation fees to the agency only after satisfied yearly progress review visits by the agency. 


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